13 • moon espeon, 💲8+
14 • nostalgic jolteon, 💲7+
15 • PBJ&M eevee, 💲7+
16 • SLOWSTOPGO jolteon, 💲7+

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9 • flower espeon, 💲9+
10 • fun sylveon, 💲6+
11 • lemon cake eevee, 💲7+
12 • love eevee, 💲8+

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1 • alien espeon, 💲7+
2 • gold and silver glaceon, 💲7+
3 • autumnal umbreon, 💲8+
4 • bunny sylveon, 💲6+

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4- Más Eeveevoluciones ♻️

A Nishida también le debemos diseños como los de Espeon, Umbreon, Leafeon, Glaceon y Sylveon. ¡Le tiene más cariño a Eevee que a Noa!

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Bom dia!

based on the pokémons and I hope you like it💖💛💚

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I missed pokemon day!!! Noooo... ah well happy pokemon day from the fusion eve! (Cool fact, eve is a fusion of espeon, umbreon and eevee together) can you see it?

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happy pkmn day i offer my alola oc and his espeon, comet!

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Here is my own version of Espeon, I wanted to make it look more Day-like?

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Koyori - Poison/Psychic type gym

What kind of experiment she will do next..?

Pokemon list: Exeggcute, Drapion, Espeon, Venusaur, Venomoth, Mewtwo

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Shiny Eevee, Vaporeon, Jolteon, Flareon, Espeon, and Umbreon

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Espeon, Vulpix, Smoliv and Glaceon

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This is a HUGE WIP I've been working on during some free time. What was originally supposed to be just Umbreon and Espeon, turned into me drawing the entire Eevee family. Just a few more to go 😎

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4 seasons features Pokebuki Sunshine adept & wandered
of Holowears.

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Combining yet another amazing to create an even more amazing, ultra-cute Pokémon
Combining and two amazing evolutions of Eevee and adding butterfly wings to it
A "Sylvespeon"
A fairy and psychic type Pokémon

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Andaba aburrido y me puse a rediseñar el shiny de Espeon, el color crema es mi favorito:)

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I drew my favorite pokemon from each region! :D
(Flareon, espeon, duskull, drifloon,litwick, pumpkaboo, mimikyu, scorbunny,Quaxly )

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Some completed designs I have done recently. I did a starry night espeon, a shiny glaceon jolteon fusion and a shiny glaceon, zoroark, mega absol fusion. I'm super proud of all of these and can't wait to come up with bios!!
Pokemon (c) Nintendo
Characters (c) Me

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I couldn't draw just Espeon, I had to draw Umbreon too... BUT SHINY🖤

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