Trekkon finally takes out his revenge for Kominushu.

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107: Delusional Breakthrough Eventure
Gair helps Amelia escape from her situation, and offers her the idea to become a Nay.

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102: The Nays Banquet Eventure
Shaw tells Malik that Kali needs to be at The Nays Banquet, celebrating the new World Leader

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095: Time Paradox Eventure
Yaguzi (newest M Nay) meets a tragic end so Zandra travels to a future where he's still there.

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092: Dusty Dimes vs. Bleeding Libras Eventure
Arianna and Yaro finally reunite after The Nays thought Yaro was dead.

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091: The Great Random Idiot Uprising Eventure
A bunch of the non-main Nays revolt out of jealousy towards the main Nays.

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088: Distortions of Time Eventure
The Nays enter Beddy Bye World for the last time and have to rescue their friends.

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085: Genson Lake Eventure
El Pubbo falls in love with a mermaid (who is actually an old ghost man in disguise).

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080: Death's Finale Eventure
Trekkon betrays Death and joins back up with The Nays. Rasake welcomes him back.

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079: Return to Sir Dude World Eventure
Kali's mission is revealed, but that doesn't bother Shaw, because of friendship.

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087: War on Tag World Eventure
The Gek tries to get revenge on Tag World after they take it away from him.

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077: End of YKW's Reign Eventure
Trophus watches The Nays while their bird-in-t's are taking care of Tag World business.

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075b: Infiltrating Death's Manor Eventure
Akuma reunites with his old friend Isod, when The Nays try to ambush Death.

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075: PS Amusement Park Eventure
Caps notified the Yellow Tribe of his location, and in turn endangered all of PS World

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072: SN World Festival Eventure
Jibu confesses his love to Zandra, when they're paired up at the SN World Festival.

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071: Shonenjou Love Murder Eventure
The Nays act in Director Curry's movie in SN World. He used to be in the Dusty Dimes.

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068: War on Mr Dude World Eventure
Mr Dude's World is in chaos, so Kali gives him a pep talk to get his act together.

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067: Rescuing Kominushu Eventure
Tenma, one of Akuma's childhood friends, helps The Nays find Kominishu in Death's World.

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066: Hillside Manor Eventure
Jibu and Ralphie get into a fight in the basement of the Hillside Manor.

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061: Timeless Abyss Eventure
Piko is not pleased with how Tag World handles the Ghosts' Safe Traveling Ceremony.

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