画質 高画質

【エバーテイル】(@ Evertale_JPジグザゲーム株式会社様)にて
純白の機械少女「 アーニャ 」描かせていただきました!

41 213

Normally if I'm low on energy, I revert to this small cabbit form

37 309

I lack fundamentals, can't blend/color very well, and always revert to only a handful of poses/expressions whenever I feel intimidated learning new things.

People might not notice because I dress everything up with gimmicks and wear my weakness as strength.

I wanna improve😭 https://t.co/6CB2bxW6Nm

6 153

【エバーテイル】(@ Evertale_JPジグザゲーム株式会社様)にて
天照の巫女「 卑弥呼 」描かせていただきました!

68 438

lol oh yeah i drew that as a joke earlier
if it takes too long for him to revert back just grab him and go asdfasd

46 1131

warm up for today lol (Its 2pm)

Sometimes if your stupid cook is taking to long to revert back you just gotta grab him and go

94 1488

Me: *bought this from battle pass
Me: *sees the passive*

This looks good on Lumine hehe (only use hydro for photo purpose I'm going to revert her back to geo)

1 51



Exibit spiritus eius et revertetur in terram suam in illa die peribunt omnes cogitationes eorum

264 892

【エバーテイル】(@ Evertale_JPジグザゲーム株式会社様)にて夢幻の魔法少女「アリス」描かせていただきました!

42 274

she has reverted back to her blob form 😔

68 348

years of art improvement just to revert back to my middle school scratchy emo artstyle...

9 57

The three wives of Cregan Stark — Arra Norrey, Cregan's childhood friend, who bore him his first son, Rickon, but nevertheless, died in childbirth.

3 2


1 58