This is my Ice Digimon evolution line. I liked the result more than I imagined!
Has anyone else created a digimon with an ice/snow/cold theme?

52 218

I created a rookie level fairy digimon, and I thought about how its evolutionary line could be if it was composed only of fairy digimons.

16 62

I used some official digimons to complete the zemulamon evolution libha, I don't know if they were the best choices, but it's not that bad.

33 127

I think I'll make these evolution lines end in a Cherub digimon and a demon lord.

17 87

Criei um nível bebê 2 para o Micomon, o nome dele será Surumon.
I created a baby level 2 for Micomon, his name will be Surumon.

4 22

Eu curto pensar que essa seria a linha evolutiva do Capetmon.
I like to think that this is Capetmon's evolution line.
Capetmon 》Boogiemon 》Phelesmon 》Barbamon.

2 29

Bunumon 》Lacemon 》Prettymon 》Maltemon 》Magistramon 》Themismon.

Agradeço a Weremens Alves, Walisson Luan e ao Nathan Silva por terem criado os digimons faltantes pra essa linha.

7 25

Esse é o meu parceiro digimon, qual é o seu?
That's my digimon partner, which one is yours?

4 24

Puttimon 》Cupimon 》Puremon 》Gargomon 》Manticoremon 》Metatromon.

28 129

Some Digimon FanART Road to DigiCon 2022
for who your Digimon Partner and their EvolutionLine? and is it Tanemon or Airdramon? haha, what your DigiVolution partner Line?

32 115

Fan Evolution Line

Digimon anjos / Angels digimon.

Puttimon 》Cupimon 》Puremon 》Angemon 》Holyangemon 》Seraphimon.

Puremon criado por mim.
Desenho do puremon feito por

2 11


Capetmon 》Boogiemon 》Phelesmon 》Barbamon.

O fandigimon foi criado por mim e o desenho foi feito pelo por meio de arte comissionada.

7 36

Linha evolutiva (quase) completa do Blademon
Sakurymon (Baby I), Haarimon (Baby II), Blademon (Rookie), Dendaikomon (Champion), Kusarimon (Perfect).
Carabmon (armor), Coccinemon (armor), Badgatewaymon (Corrupted Mega)

8 35

Linha evolutiva da deusa dos oceanos digimon ^^
Nessiemon (Rookie) >> Atlanticmon (Champion)
Anfitrimon (Perfect) >> Niemon (Mega)

1 10