New York City, New York

There Is No Saving a World Which is Bent on Destroying Itself
Grey Cross Studios

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Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

There Is No Saving a World Which is Bent on Destroying Itself
Grey Cross Studios

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Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

There Is No Saving a World Which is Bent on Destroying Itself
Grey Cross Studios

0 0

He saw the world suffocating under the black clouds.
He knew he could change that.
He was a man of action and he took action. ✊
He was a man of compassion and he showed compassion. 🙏

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Hoover Damn, Nevada

There Is No Saving a World Which is Bent on Destroying Itself
Grey Cross Studios

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Hollywood, California

There Is No Saving a World Which is Bent on Destroying Itself
Grey Cross Studios

0 0

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

There Is No Saving a World Which is Bent on Destroying Itself
Grey Cross Studios

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