"the symbolism is reflected in the knowing eye"

: series_5 BoredEyeEmbraceMystic_18 certified on 1/1 limited séries of 50

https://t.co/jKBEdySDtY via curated by

7 30


"perfectly organic and edible"

BoredEyeEmbraceMystic_14 certified on 1/1 limited séries of 50 .

this is : series_5

https://t.co/m4ciuMykvF via curated by

22 55

Yori has cracked horn bc of a big fight with Yeeyeeman, bc of it Yori's weaker than before. Yuyuto's moon shaped thing on his head is literally his- *spoiler bleep*

0 6

hi so if you want to c•mm someone who doesn't support weirdos, my dms are open :eyeemoji:
no but seriously if yo don't like my art, I'm going to link some awesome artists down below so yeah!! https://t.co/dqHnghBOEL

4 13

Using these poor bears as examples on how I visually portray things.
Image credit: Jenneyffer Peter / EyeEm / Getty Images

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2015.4.7 釧路湿原からの夕陽。 at 釧路川水門 by pikurin2001 on EyeEm

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