Not necessarily animation (yet), but I work on some comics called INCONSISTENT and THE SUBPAR FADMAN that I one day wanna make into animated shorts!

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FADMAN August 2015 vs November 2021

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He’s come a long way since 2013.

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Some stuff is on the way...

1 17

doodles for the upcoming comic chapters.

4 15

Animation tests in photoshop + after effects with some choppiness.

1 23

10 min Fadman warmup doooooooooodle
Fadman belongs to the cwwl

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Probably shouldn’t post this till later, but I’m too proud of it.

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A sneak peek of new material. More info on this to come. (Starring )

2 16

Sneaky peaky of a new poster I’m workin’ on...

0 12

FINALLY finished this fucking thing. vs Poppy. (Characters shown are created by myself, and please give these dudes a follow)

3 23

Close your eyes and I’ll close mine. Good night, sleep tight.

2 11

Getting better at flash's line art.

1 16

Deacon, the spoon wielding ass-hat. (2017 - 2014)

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