Thank you all for your thoughts, opinions, discussions! We have one last before the summer holidays....
Join us next Sunday evening as we prepare for the Summer Reading Challenge!
11.07.21 7:30pm

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I have loved these.
All texts that demonstrate that being disabled does not mean being unable.
Powerful picturefiction and non-fiction. All empathy building.

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Pip and Egg and Out of Nowhere for friendship, change and transitions. Tomorrow (ever bit as good as Felix in Rain), fear, sadness, depression, hope. . Shelter for sadness permission to be happy and sad

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Welcome to the first We know TBR piles can be daunting but they can also inspire and engage other readers. So go on, inspire us with your current TBR piles....

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Coming this Sunday...our first evening book chat! Pop along at 7:30pm on 14.03.21 to chat books with members! This week we are asking to see your TBR piles!

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