A while back I redesigned the Swords of Justice for @/frog_croaks contest. While that contest is long over, I wanted to revisit the weakest of my 3 designs, Terakion. Here is the final result

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I didn't find out about it until the deadline had already passed but ' contest inspired me to try redesigning Umbreon and Espeon. (they could also be interpreted as mega forms)

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FINALLY HERE, my entry for ' contest. May be scraping it here but went with re-designing Hydreigon's line!

This one is based on the myth of Medusa, along with some nods to gladiatorial armor and chariots of the Greek era. Will add more info in comments!

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My entry for !! I redid breloom and shroomish with a stronger boxing motif!! A little bit more on both of them below

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for the contest, i redesigned Skiddo and Gogoat...and gave them another evolution!!! (pats Goadrash's back) this bad boy can fit So Many puns and concepts in it. https://t.co/ISMMtBZIcN

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Redesigned croagunk and toxicroak!

Not very good at these but hope y’all like it! :D

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Heres my design for a Slugma/“Macargo” redesign. I originally wasn’t gonna partake because I have no creativeness, but then I saw Slugmas droopy things on its face and was like “like an eastern dragon” for some reason. and then I did this lmao

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"Wingull glide low above the water, skimming for prey. Unfortunately, this leaves many of them caught in fishers' nets and debris."
"Nobody has ever seen a Trosseine land to rest. They cast nets made of mysterious energy as they fly, sweeping up fish Pokemon."

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this was very fun but last minute! cubchoo/beartic redesign!!

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My entry for 's contest. The elemental monkeys of Unova are pretty lackluster. I hoped to bring out the "see no evil" lore for panpour and simipour more. Based on a tarsier and Japanese macaque respectively

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For I decided to redesign the Galarian Darumaka Line trying to give a reason as to why Darmanitan has that giant snowball on its head

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My entry for shines and info included! I love Munna and Musharna being based around baku and incense burners that I wanted to give them designs that expanded on the concepts. https://t.co/cKWx6OpBSt

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My entries for 's Pokémon redesign contest:

Spritzee and Aromatisse, based off vintage perfume bottles, owls and long tailed tits.

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some seals for frogcroak's redesign challenge!!!

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my entry for !!! sobble AND kecleon reimagined!! more below https://t.co/ykBFwxjHKh

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Here's my entry for

I allways thought Golduk was inspired by a kappa, so I redesign its like with that concept
2 text captures because the pokemon font is cool but it's not very legible
Hope you like it, I had a lot of fun with this! :D

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My redesign for @/frog_croaks. Deerling line is actually one of my faves ngl, I just wanted to experiment a little. :>

Both are Fairy type, located deep inside forests.

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For 's contest, I chose to redesign Hydreigon! I took the original tank ideas for them and extrapolated it into an army theme. And then it got... dark...
Inspirations include tanks, war, tarkus, armadillos, and hydras.
Lore in thread.

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I don't post much lest it is through my switch, but I saw 's and thought it looked really neat to do. So it got me thinking, what if Galarian Mr. Mime was based on a kid learning stage magic, instead of a tapdancer? Art ain't good, but I like the idea.

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