闇に棲まう リオン&ラルヴァ

Lyon&Arval : In Darkness 


93 253


56 190

Happy birthday, Marianne!!
When I found out it was her birthday, I had to do a quick drawing. She's one of my favorite FE characters!

15 41

Drew this baby girl for 2 hours 😂

67 184


5 21


27 109

More Wraithbert doodles :) OG design for those curious will be in the replies!

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26 60

“I’m really thankful that you’re my captain, but also…that you’re my father.”

Their A support had me crying, she loves her dad so much 😭

3 9


5 32

Finished sooner than I thought. Not sure if I did the character justice. I like Mercede's 3 hopes design best which is I used that one.

1 3

無双ディミレス/ FE3Hopes−dimileth

56 201