Welcoming our
coffee. 100% Arabica.

Coming from the highlands of Sulawesi Island. The nutrients from the volcanic soils brings you a well balanced cup of coffee. You'll love this one perfect cup of coffee. Cheers 😊☕👌

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Selamat Hari Kartini. Terima kasih para wanita yang sudah memperkaya diri dengan ilmu. Kalian pondasi kehidupan. Cheers! ☕🙏😊

Illustration by

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Selamat Hari Kartini. Terima kasih para wanita yang sudah memperkaya diri dengan ilmu. Kalian pondasi kehidupan. Cheers! ☕🙏😊

Illustration by

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Dada gave spooder coffee privileges and now spooder is aggressively vibrating. How does this even work! I feel like I can phase through a wall

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Back in business. Semakin pagi semakin asik. 9am to 8 pm.
Kalian sehat selalu ya. Kita kirim kopi kamu ke rumah. Call us 0217392942 or catch us at Grabfood. Cheers!

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Hello there! Untuk teman-teman yang merayakan. Selamat merayakan Natal 2019 bersama keluarga dan sahabat. Kita hari ini buka jam 4 sore. See you later ☕️👌

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Malam masih panjang.. Kopi terus diseduh. Yang masih dijalan, yuk gabung. Ditunggu! ☕👌🙂

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dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb https://t.co/8tXwTODqMb BCR players should feel rightly upset (I know the wording is different). https://t.co/QSbMXi8Ef7

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Minggu ini kita illustration Exhibition "GERAK". Awesome artworks by these young artists. Catat di agenda kamu! 😁👍☕.

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"All My Friends". Art Exhibition by Gita Saraswatie. 24 Feb to 25 Mar 2018. Perjalanan hidup melalui seni. Melalui indah dan kelam perjalanan hidup.

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Life is about taking chances. And a glass of nice Hot Latte. Join us on your Saturday. Today until 1 am. See you!

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Selamat siang! Buy 1 Get 1 for all food today! Kita buka jam 15:00-23:90 hari ini. See you! 😊☕️

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Jangan lupa besok pembukaan dan Artist talk dari Mixed Feelings. Yuk mampir! ☕😁

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FREE black coffee/tea untuk setiap pembelian sandwich hari ini sampai jam 8pm. Cheers!

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We’re back in business... Hello 2016. Tahun ini pasti lebih seru lagi! Cheers

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Such a lovely day for a nice cup of coffee... Care to join us? 😊☕️☕️

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Open! Mampir yuk buat segelas kopi. Jangan lupa cobain kita. Sumatra Mandailing

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Ayo cobain kita, Bali Kintamani. Have a great coffee day! 😊

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