Scuffdoodle but this is what I imagine going thru syks mind..

59 417


9 96

Dooplicator was just bought on OpenSea for 1.39 ETH by puffdoodle.eth

0 0

DEGEN ALERT! DETONATED TOONZ bought for 0.11 ETH by 222hwall from FFDOOM_Vault

2 14

DEGEN ALERT! DETONATED TOONZ bought for 0.20 ETH by 222hwall from FFDOOM_Vault

2 17

DEGEN ALERT! TOONZ bought for 0.53 ETH by 222hwall from FFDOOM_Vault

3 30

Happy Birthday!!!!🎉🥳 One of the best people i have ever met and such a pillar in many communities such as , , and just to name a few. So today i have minted a 1of1 FFDOOM NFT and sent it to you my man. 🙏💙

44 135

Sale Alert 🔥 • Knuckles Corny Butterscotch Bear bought for 0.05 ETH (70.35 USD) by 0x16c56a from FFDOOM_Vault

0 2

Sale Alert 🔥 • Baddy Bushy Sapphire Cub bought for 0.03 ETH (42.21 USD) by 0x58eb0c from FFDOOM_Vault

0 3

Sale Alert 🔥 • Lindsey B. Hall bought for 0.01 ETH (11.26 USD) by G-Silver from FFDOOM_Vault

0 1

BUFFDOOF wants YOU to Rollout that chair and ROCK SMASH THAT WORKOUT! -

We already have SMASHING REVIEWS from :
"Buffdoof is such an inspiration, I'm buying a gym membership tomorrow"

1 6

"⭐️Character in FFDOO style⭐️" by GreenyTeay

2 14

An art trade with tiffdoodlez(from IG)!
Had to draw our favorite fruit, mine is a mandarin!! >u< they taste so good refrigerated 👌
Thank you for art trading with me Tiff!! <3

0 0

Thank you very much to my friend for giving me permission to sell this buff boy as a sticker in my shop lol 💪

Buffdoof is now live on my teespring!

2 7

サ イ フ ァ ー な ん だ が ?

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