Zap goes the Monkey!

This by is more than just outrageously good looking.
He's also the current FloorMonkey at 0.98ETH!

1/1 commissions are 1ETH by & 2ETH by

7 14

There are a wide array of out there 😉

Even Monkelangelo and Chredder are

Want to become a 1/1
Order a in our discord➡️ or snag 1 off of secondary➡️

Oh & they get NFT WL!

8 13

Reid Ricardo has stretched on by the as leader of the (& you thought we'd forgotten!)

This is the 277th Custom to be minted!

have the top utility in our project! Including Eternal WL...


9 17

Ooh-Ooh-Ah-Too never misses a beat. Literally. He watches everything that goes on in the frat. It's kind of creepy.

But he sees the Frat-a-rising.. the are on the horizon & a new era approaches!


9 22