GMorie FaMorie!

Did you know Mories are magic? 🪄

19 61

Took me long enough but finally joined the 🎉🎊 Had to get a helmet 👍😂

12 58

Welcome to the Famorie!
Sounds like you'll fit right in.🙏🇦🇺

2 7

Smart move welcome to the famorie!!

0 1

Heck yes we do and a big, warm welcome 🎉❤️🙌💀 Love your pickups as well you have a very nice taste in Mories ser! 🔥🔥🔥

1 4

Welcome home Delighted to have you on board with us. We have an absolutely incredible mental health-driven community looking to make web3 and beyond a better place for all, one step at a time 💀💙🙌

0 4

Merry Xmas FaMorie!! 🎄🤶🏻

18 59

Welcome, FaMorie! This is really nice work! Super cool.

0 0

Lfgg welcome famorie!! Love the color wave

0 2

Welcome to the famorie! Awesome buy to enter with. We were all watching that one come on the market. You got one amazing deal, too.

0 9

LFG!! Love it I have yet to grab myself a Robot. That’s next on the list 💀💙🙌

2 5

Beep Boop!

Saint Cylon, Mecha Chainz and Spidey Bot representing the

2 4

Happy FaMorie!

Let's make this week an awesome one 🕺

9 54

A big warm welcome 🙌❤️🎉 And love love love your pickup - never mess with an undead ninja who’s clearly not afraid to take an arrow for the team! 💪🔥🖤💀🔥

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