Now we know why Facebook shutdown yesterday. He's just an artist, y'all! Politically and culturally inspired of course.

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Well, since and is happening guess I'll post this here. Mightyena trying to relax while Poochyena pups tire themselves out.
For October I want to try and do more Dark/Psychic/Ghost (and maybe Fairy?) Type pokemon. Any that you'd like to see featured

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*Chris Voice*

Why am I here? I don't know what to do. My family are weird..

Oh well. I may as go watch monkey porn on the internet.

*watches video* ( laughing ) Oh look the monkey 🐒 just threw poop 💩

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*Brian Voice*

Gee I wonder what Stewie and everyone is up to.. I ended up going for a walk since I had nothing to do and now I'm being pat real hard in the street..

Thanks for F***ING nothing Facebook !

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Happy Tuesday! If you haven't heard yet, & are down this morning. Need a distraction? Enjoy awesome by pretty neat, isn't it? 😎
See more of Chi's work here!

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