500 hours of factorio

139 980

Leveling up your armor in Factorio~ ⚙️👷‍♀️

21 117

With the Factorio() expansion Space Age coming soon and review embargo lifting, I can share this postcard I've drawn for our playtesters who returned sick from their travels:👩‍⚕️

6 46

去年Steamのアカウントごと爆破して強制的にやめたのに、フラッシュバックがひどくて2月に買い直し、Space Exploration MODの続きをキッチリやって、遂に不時着星からの脱出に成功しました。


10 75

Factorio + おかゆ..👍

6 50

Collecting asteroids in orbit around Vulcanus. The newly revealed planet in Factorio: Space Age 🚀🌋

13 71

Factorio Friday Facts have revealed elevated rails this week! 🥳Can't wait to design some al dente intersections with those. 🚂🍝

20 94

First of the month Loudening happening right now!

New Items in Ko-FI store
Chatty vixen!

We'll have it all!

See you on the stream!

You can find the link in my Bio! ^^

3 18

First stream day of the month

Last month was insane, we had so many things that happened, that now, going back to "normal" has me slightly nervous again

I'll be doing a regular old shorter stream in about an hour today

We're... uh... maybe playing some Factorio :P

1 27

Hamburguesas muy abundantes🍔✨
Tiene un montón de relleno y se ve muy satisfactorio🤤🧡

0 1


Aquí les dejo toda la historia de Duende desde el inicio.
Excelente hallazgo con final satisfactorio 🕵🏻‍♀️🐀

Pueden entrar a cada hilo para seguir la historia con más detalle https://t.co/l2dezHhsNa

46 370

Tranquilidad, y es muy satisfactorio por qué quede así


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Su climax fue epico y el final, al menos para mi, fue satisfactorio, siempre que esos tres puedan sonreir, valdra la pena para mi.

Gracias por crear esta historia Park Yong Je


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I was gonna space this out so I don't have content draught from Factorio addiction but I simply must post everything I finish immediately

Have a Net

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Practice doodle derusting ect. ect.

The Factorio brainrot is real bro I have literally spent over 12 hours on average playing the game daily since I got it a few weeks ago I cannot stop playing I cannot stop thinking I cannot stop strategizing

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21- Bloody Hell (Pun Intended, 2023)
La verdad es que me ha encantado, directo, satisfactorio de jugar, el pixel art me flipa y dura tan poco que sacármelo al 100% no se me ha hecho bola

Si te gustan los bullet hell y los metroidvanias, recomendado

0 0

im too tired to think. more factorio (as usual) in an hour!!!! https://t.co/xoy2ZNBUad

1 8

Strong desire for Factorio. Streaming Factorio tomorrow, Wednesday 5:30 pm est WOOOOO

1 15

進みがめちゃ悪い factorioの再現プレーばっか


19 101

Correr y llevarte todo a tu paso es un sentimiento bastante satisfactorio, juegazo 10/10. Por ende toca hacer dibujitos a lo Pizza Tower.

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