Day 28 "Unseelie"
"Tired and alone, one solemn sunrise she looked up from the melting snow and said "no more". She closed her eyes and melted away too, never to be seen again. "

Hope U had a great

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Day 20 "Gift"
" If a proper offering was made, the emerald seelie would bestow one of her beloved emeralds to the worthy, blessing them with peace, balance, and healing."

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Day 16 "Vow"

"The unseelie sugarplum fae tempted the innocent with sweets that vowed to haunt them in the night. Just one bite of the sugary fruit she offered promised to curse their dreams..."

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Day 14 "Glow"

"The seelie strawberry summer fae embodied the splendor of sunshine & abundance of life. Radiant & graceful in all ways, her glowing face brought a spirit of carefree joy wherever she went."

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Day 12 "Tears"
"In the harsh winters, the Unseelie Mourning Cloak Fae, could be found hiding within the cracks of neglected headstones, keeping the forgotten dead company as she wept for them.

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Day 9 "Blossom"

"The seelie sugarplum fae brought the promise of joy and festivities. As she melted away the winter snow, her blossoms reminded the people of Twom of the happiness found in light."

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Day 4 "Wings"

"Faeries like the Tanzanite unseelie fae would play clever tricks. By curling themselves up in a ball, the fae's body was concealed and their wings appeared as crystals to the human eye."

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Day 1 "Seelie"
The "Seelie Snowdrop Fae" (2019) was the first of the Seelie court to emerge each year when the winter chills would give way to the new life of spring.

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In a few days it will be I present to thee, the 2021 Prompt list!!
Choose as many (or as few) creative prompts as you like & create a faerie work of art based on your chosen prompt using I'll share my favorites <3
Happy creating!

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