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New Year, New Laws! Today we celebrate the #RISEAct #SB483 going into effect. SB483 will remove over 20K years of incarceration for people in California’s prisons and jails. Thank you COMMUNITY for this Victory!
FAQ here ➡️ https://t.co/SyQlqk6ce3
We're very happy to announce that 5 families have been reunited this week😃A team effort frm #refugees, @togethernowuk Team & @miles4migrants made this happen. Even w/#BordersBill news😔
⭐️ "more than 2,000 children in "detention camps" / they can't leave / are separated from their families & are getting no education." —#msnbc #FamiliesBelongTogether #keepfamiliestogether #raisingourvoices #everybodymatters #vote
Children behind wire - my cartoon in today’s @nzherald #KeepingFamiliesTogether #POTUS #nzpol
The US government, OUR government, is using taxpayer dollars to fund the violation of children's human rights to terrorize legal asylum seekers.
SPEAK UP! @make5calls @RAICESTEXAS https://t.co/C113c8XyAw
I felt like drawing a monster....So I drew a monster #KeepFamiliesTogether https://t.co/DLtBUdgUcQ