# panda

Paw-Five! paws for Henri Milne-Edwards, Mammifères, Vol. 2 (1868-1874). https://t.co/HECFIsaU80

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Hanging out for a slothful weekend? Sarah Stone's Bradypus tridactylus (1781-85).

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Those TOES! Tarsiers for Säugethiere vom Celebes (1896-99). https://t.co/vyrJxUJfIK

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Pull yourself together -- it's Water rail bits, Gould's 'Birds of Europe' (1832-7)

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Scalyfoot Lizard doesn't need feet. It has fancy scaly flaps! https://t.co/jwa0fFFu9K

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In pieces before the Bank Holiday? Never mind, enjoy Bauer's 1801-3 platypus.

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Gimme five (or four), it's A Sarawak Tree Frog, from Alfred Russel Wallace.

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