Momma fang said bundle up or you cant go outside!! of course gottal isten to moms!

4 16

Still Gang! 🫡

Fangsters stay busy on the TL, and the team stay busy working publicly; Fangmas event and Plushies are the most recent output, and I'm looking forward to using my $AWOO to further update the SuperPxls' looks with accessories 🤝

2 6

I pulled Common and Uncommon Fangmas Cards! The super rares are still out there! 👀

The art is incredible and the metadata shows you what free gift you get with your card!

So amazing!


5 25

Gm fam
It's the effin 7th and you know what that means!!?!

4 18

Merry Chrysler! lemme get in that snapshot for airdrop

4 15