Sailors have a particular abhorrence of those who randomly whistle. Whistling, you see, calls up the wind - and potentially a storm. Do it only in a dead calm, and then at your peril. (by George Dmitriev)

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This beautiful, moody painting is by an unknown artist of remarkable talent. If you know who they are, please reply.

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It isn't that life ashore is distasteful to me. But life at sea is better ~ Sir Francis Drake (P. Loutherbourg's painting of Drake and the English fleet defeating the Spanish Armada)

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You cannot discover new oceans, unless you have the courage to lose sight of the shore ~ sailor's proverb (painting by Frederick Waugh)

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There is but a plank between a sailor and eternity ~ Thomas Gibbons (Shipwreck on the North Sea by Ivan Aivazovsky)

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I’m going to be really fussy here and say that if a futuristic motorbike has an extended front fork instead of the wheel being incorporated into the body, and protruding side farings, it isn’t a TRON lightcycle, it’s Ballista from Blast Corps.

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Annual report Illustrations for Digitaliseringsrådet (No) Digitaliseringsrådet Erfaringsrapport 2019 AD: Monika Asakskogen/ Dinamo.

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| "Curious Wasgo"

My zine entry depicting the brothers’ encounter w/ the Haida's legendary Sea Wolf. Check [ ] for more!

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