WV resident Kristy Henson made a papier mache Fasnacht mask inspired by the Fallout76 in-game mask & wore it to the real Fasnacht event in 2020. 📷 by Henson & Lea Propst Fedder. Read more about how the Helvetia community has engaged with tradition here: https://t.co/Nl5opYFnXZ

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5 45

『Real Fasnacht Owl』


7 41

『Fasnacht day』



148 685

Hey Fallout Fam! What is your favorite Fasnacht mask?

5 54

(SPOILERS!!!!) Fasnacht Masks

9 106

To the dick that launched a nuke on Helvetia during Fasnacht in -

Your mother is calling you to dinner. Tell her last night was great. Also you owe me like 20 Radaway. 😂

ought to prevent this kinda thing.

0 3

I'm assuming the free Fasnacht bundle will be either a few of these items or all of them that were in the datamined files

Also assuming there were gonna be available to purchase but will be free now as compensation

The art team did an amazing job

4 68

Came and roasted my fasnacht decorations in my camp the other week. I panicked deleted a lot of stuff when they weren't filming lol. I included a panel of me yelling at over text. :]

3 14

Fasnacht is comig 🤡😽

1 22

Oggi alle ore 7:15, Chienbäse si svolge a Liestal: La carta 79 del gioco svizzero Innovetica mostra le ginestre bruciate in pineta, che attraversano il centro storico, accompagnate da camion da fuoco in ferro.

0 3

Heute um 7:15 findet in Liestal der Chienbäse statt: Die Karte 79 im Schweizer Game Innovetica zeigt die dabei brennende Besen aus Kiefernholz, die durch die Altstadt getragen wird, begleitet von eisernen Feuerwägen.

0 3

no 39. It's in - which looks like Maurice Sendak illustrations come to life, only louder.

1 24