finally trying to finish this up day 6: beach/fireworks

explosions, dancing, and june

54 109

way late but beach fireworks

49 195

day 3: maintenance/arms

when u tryna have a tender caretaking moment w/ the gf but u screw it up

58 133

day 2: second chances
so this was actually my scrapped secret samol from last year

57 120

day 5: medicine
just two pals making medicine for the community they have to protect (and they kiss)

21 65

day 1: sunset
this is very late but i'm going to try to catch up for the next while (they're eating dutartes)

42 96

stopping the heat and the dark might be impossible but at least you spent all those years riding against it with someone you love

mixed success/day four

7 40

day 4: love letters
what if after belgard dies signet still talks to her, about her day, about whats happening on the fleet.....

46 91

"See something you like?" "Oh, yes."

108 193

tea and natalya doing mech repairs

35 90

day 3: maintenance
i think vanya and saint wynter should hang out... maybe while one of them fixes her big robot....

18 45

do you think waxwing has ever thought about just dropping everything
second chances

23 64

Day 2: Devotion
Inspired by Adaire's bond with hella and this rly good scene

60 133

day 2 / second chances: maybe rebecca SHOULD be there for castille in a positive way..... .

15 59

day 2. being a vampire detective with your partner sure is a second chance on life

38 106