Conrad Felixmüller, Head of Londa II (Kopf Londa II) (plate, loose leaf) from the periodical Das Kunstblatt, vol. 2, no. 1 (Jan 1918), 1918 (executed 1917)

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Autumn Evening, Klotzsche, by Conrad Felixmüller, 1921.

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Conrad Felixmüller, Head of Londa II (Kopf Londa II) (plate, loose leaf) from the periodical Das Kunstblatt, vol. 2, no. 1 (Jan 1918), 1918 (executed 1917)

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Happy Wednesday dear Brin ad all friends!

Thanks for sharing!


We already miss the summer..😉

Conrad Felixmüller, The German champion in the shooting put Seraidaris - 1931 🎨

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Der Kuss by Conrad Felixmüller, 1924.

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Conrad Bildnis Frau Sofie Isakowitz

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Conrad Bildnis Frau Sofie Isakowitz

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