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@Octopuses_Gardn So very sorry for your loss. Take care of yourself.
Have I told YOU…That I Love You, Today, Yesterday and Tomorrow. #FellowEarthling from #PlanetEarth #BeWell #StaySafe You are loved!
May you find peace and rest with the sweet memories…of your loved ones. Bless YOU!
Rachel Cohn
“I love snow for the same reason I love Christmas.
It brings people together while time stands still.”
#MerryChristmas #HappyChristmas #HappyHanukkah #Kwanzaa #PeaceOnEarth #StaySafe #BeKind #WearMask #GetVaccinated #LoveOneAnother #JustAMask #FellowEarthlings
What are you grateful for?
“Sharing food with another human being is an intimate act that should not be indulged in lightly."
M.F.K. Fisher~ #TravelSafe #BeKind #WearAMask #BeThankful #ThinkOfOthers #Homeless #FellowEarthlings #BeWell #StaySafe #Hunger
@jvnimages Thanks for your support! #FellowArtist on #Twitter #StaySafeStayHealthy #FellowEarthling from #PlanetEarth
@jvnimages ⬅️
Thanks so much for your #Kindness #FellowArtist on #Twitter and your support! Check it out! #FellowEarthling #BeWell #StaySafe
#GoodMorning #FellowEarthlings #StaySafe #WearAMask #StayHealthy BeKind #LoveOneAnother #NoHate #Accountability #Truth #Justice #RuleOfLaw #CapitolRiot #VoterSuppression #CleanAirWater #AffordableHousing #HealthCare4All
All art is but imitation of nature.Lucius Annaeus Seneca~
Tonight others, who care about the hungry, homeless, alone, gather to bring food, love, warmth to their #FellowEarthlings
Some of those who are out there giving, I know personally. On #ChristmasEve are my daughter, her husband, friends, as well who give to others all year long.
@BelindaGreb @marvin_spates Walking with a friend in the dark is better than walking alone in the light.
~Helen Keller~
Have I told you that I ♥️ you Today, Yesterday & Tomorrow! #ArtistOnTwitter #FellowEarthling #StaySafeStayHealthy #WearAMask #Blessed #TakeCare #BeKind #LoveOneAnother♥️
The art of being happy
lies in the power
of extracting happiness
from common things.
#SusanGarrenArt🎨 #FellowArtists #FellowEarthlings #StaySafe #WearAMask😷 #Vote #Truth #MoralAuthority #Justice #RuleOfLaw @JoeBiden #JoeBidenForPresident2020