I have a stockpile of Amygdala characters I’ve drawn but haven’t posted yet, so here’s Wyley that I drew back in December

Character from book

7 47

Throwback to the Silky sculpt I did! Might redo it sometime

0 26

I drew this picture of Teazzer tipping her hat politely

Character belongs to

19 156

I saw someone else do this

Local writer’s special interest is a rampaging criminal and she makes it everyone’s problem

1 24

Oberon, previous Yolsh in training- but quit once he realized how much he valued his life.

7 67

Shalulu headcanons because HOW HAVE I NOT DONE THIS YET??
A thread 🧵🪡

16 105

Yo I usually draw OCs but I draw fandom art too (FENNAH, HH/HB, Ghost bc, furry)

1 3


The kivouackian species belongs to Sam Fennah

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