But wait, there's more: Ys vs Trails in the Sky: Alternative Saga (i.e. Falcom's Dissidia)

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Heard people were putting together lists of their favorite fighting game characters for so here's mine!

These are the characters that immediately come to mind when I think of the greatest of all time. I've got more of course, but that won't fit on Twitter. 8P

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I play multiple characters. But I can only choose 4.

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My fav fighting games characters I've used. One choice is biased. XD And two are because of the many, many hours in college on that Japanese Soul Calibur 2 arcade machine in the quad. So much Conquest Mode.

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It’s and I didn’t even realize it! Here are my top 4 picks

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share your top 4 fav fighting game characters for here are my peeps since the 90s...

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Share your top 4 fav fighting game characters for

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This was really hard! Share your top 4 fav characters for here are mine:

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Only four is really rough! So I'll go with four from fighting games I've played very recently.

Except Lilith. Lilith is eternal.

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Share your top 4 fav fighting game characters for Here are mine 💥💥

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