umhmhmummm have a random minfilia. she's my everything. bye

86 144

As I said, there will be a comic about Filia. Unfortunately it will be quite tragic😿
This is part of the cover, the full version is coming soon :3

26 121

En Skullgirls, uno de los personajes con más referencias a otras franquicias es Filia.
Su mera existencia ya es una referencia a Millia Rage de Guilty Gear y una de sus Victory Poses es una referencia a Ryu de Street Fighter (entre otras referencias más)

1 2

Dibujo rapido de Filia. todo en una sola capa

22 119

Definitely going with Lucy Heartfilia. 💛💙🗝

0 8

Here is a dumb Final Fantasy XIV comic ft. Vaespar, Thancred, and Minfilia. tfw you realize the Warrior Of Light is a megalomaniac that will doom us all.

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Not so hyper Filia. Because why not

4 18

Fun fact: This is technically an anniversary drawing since it was made on halloween of 2018, but this drawing here was mostly a mishmash of different traced parts, mostly filia. Still though I'm happy that I've grown to draw close to the style that inspired my art career

0 3

its monday. minfilia. thanks

14 69


La altocalcifilia es un tipo de fetichismo en el que se obtiene placer al observar o llevar puesto zapatos de tacón alto.

Como con el resto de fetiches, los documento debidamente en mi para quien le interese saber más del tema❤️

6 40

As for the 10th anime girl character, that's obvious.
She's my all time favourite Anime character period.
The one and only Lucy Heartfilia.
I was literally leaving the best until last.
No character will ever beat her to me.

0 2

Parte uno: Estándares de belleza
Los estándares en los cuerpos femeninos son poco realistas y en algunos casos promueven la pedofilia.

3 80

BEASTARS x Fairy Tail AU: Lucy Heartfilia. So far i’m not quite sure if i’m using beastars plot or Fairy Tail’s plot. But I don’t want to change TOO much. My heart knew what I wanted her species to be, and I went with it.

0 6

Playing a lot of Skullgirls Mobile and running got me in the mood to try making my own color palettes, so I tried to make some for Filia.
Names: Locks Deluxe, Sacred Twintails, Crosshair, Frizzy Fantasy

7 84

Baby Filia... 🥺❤️❤️❤️

38 155

NGL, I'd love to see you cosplay as Lucy Hearfilia. You would definitely do her thicccness justice. My apologies if you already have.

3 14

i can't sleep, i can only draw Filia... oh god

21 167