Day 23 -
People called it "the forest's gold" due to its valuable pelt. It was a sign of wealth and fortune, and in tales it was a messenger, a giver of omens.

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Day 18 -
The sacred, cosmic bird was said to be the messenger between worlds, carrier of souls, a traveler that flew along the Milky Way to rest.

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Day 9 -
It was said to have come from the stars and that all humans are its descendants. It was - and still is - the most important animal to Finnish people.

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Day 6 - Horse
Horses were believed to have originated from Hiisi, the home of demonic Hiisi folk, since people respected and valued horses over everything.

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Day 4 - Swallow
When swallows moved south for winter some believed they followed the Milky way, others thought they slept in the bottom of a frozen lake.

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Re-Redraw I made of my OC Tuulia, a forest maiden that looks stunnigly beautiful from the front, but whose backside is hollow like the trunk of a tree.

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Do not follow a beautiful sounds of violin near lakes or streams,
or Näkki might lure you into your death.

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