フィオ Fio

236 962

界の軌跡よりアニエスさん、事務作業の合間に一息。さっと仕上げました。彼女が見上げるのは FIO か白銀の剣聖さんか :-D

339 1542

Fio from Metal Slug

Winner of the November Patreon votes!

56 164

Fio Germi WG 🍖

53 361

New ballots are available for the month of November.

Dorothy from VA-11 Hall-A
Fio from Metal Slug
and Shanoa from Castlevania

The winner will have a worthy drawing!

1 15

Nikaido by Dorohedoro, winner of the October votes.

This month's votes for the new Waifu are now available on Patreon, this time between Dorothy, Fio and Shanoa.

6 37

Fio by , colored by me with permission

306 2542

tho the months over LMFAO todays last day to CLAIM YAYAYAAA

18 191

Working on Fio and comm’s. Maybe today…maybe.

3 146

Oh yeah Fio won the Paidtreon poll

2 101