One year and counting 😊🥰💕
Love my boobii forever kaa ~
Do not EDIT and Repost with full credit
Retweets are appreciated.

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Thanks because you went to the cast with your elder
Thanks because you still go to the cast even though you were late
Thanks because you appeared in each other's lives and everythings you did to
Congratulations day

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อหหห เห็นรูปนี้แล้วบั่บ....โพชัดมวากกกกกก 🤭❤ ฮือออออ ละชั้นแพ้อะไรแบบนี้สุด... ความมือแกร่งที่กอบกุมอย่างแท้จริง ฮืออออออออออ ไม่มูฟออออนนนนนนน~~😭❤

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〰 Happy anniversary 〰
Big Love 💓

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