I love big ideas like this!!! Legends of the FirstBorne () is a community-driven fantasy novel built on a web3 ethos. The world comes alive as individual chapters are released and the free-minted NFTs slowly reveal the characters in this world. https://t.co/ZCYFpClMRn

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Next one up is the Firstborne God Arwen of Sapphire, the Sun's twin, the blue void surrounding all, the watcher above with a thousand eyes, excellently presented by ! Merely a humble bard, now...always watching...

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Did a 2 hour plein-air study with a buddy in Bastion in Firstborne's Bounty. Had a lot of fun, super out of my comfort zone.

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Leone, the stern firstborne,
Rublis, the soft secondborne
Tical, the rebellious thirdborne
Riel, the hardened fourthborne
Riyal, the nervous fourthborne

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