"No matter how things get, I will always come out on top. Don't believe me? Then face me."

- Revamped muse of
- Multiship (Ships with chemistry)
- Retweet the up and coming hero?

32 36

"I want to do all I can to make people smile. That's what a hero is supposed to do."

~ AU Portrayal of Deku
~ Muse of
~ Bisexual (Heavy male lean) and ships with chemistry
~ Lewd/NonLewd RP

36 137

"Get outta the way, extras!"

~ New to muse, but not to RP.
~ Newest muse of
~ Bi (Heavy male lean) and ships with chemistry

26 49

"I may have gotten through a lot, but my friends has always had my back."

~ New to character
~ Open to Crossovers
~ Ships with chemistry (Male lean)
~ Another muse of

56 87

"What's the matter? Lost for words?"

~ New to character and verse
~ Penned by
~ Single Ship and Ships with Chemistry
~ Retweet this wild Drummer?

23 36

"I've traveled around in search of Suicune. And I won't give up until I reached that goal."

~ New to character, but not to verse.
~ Gay and ships with chemistry
~ Penned by
~ Help out the chaser of the legendary beasts?

14 15