Happy New Years everyone! We are giving away 15 Random FlueFrogs to celebrate! Drop your Cardano wallet address if you’d like one 😊🐸

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Visit our website to view and mint FlueFrogs 😊🐸

Wizard Frogs are 40 ₳ (43 available!)

Poison Dart Frogs are 30 ₳ (49 available!)


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•49 Wizards will be available

•Only 4 will have different animated elements (Shown in preview below)

•Price of each FlueFrog is 40 ADA

We will post a sale link when its time! Are you ready fellow FlueFrogs 🥳!?

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Hey fellow friends! We still have 39 FlueFrogs left from our October drop 🐸

We will be releasing our November drops soon 😉🐸💚

Our site-https://t.co/j8bWi0a3Tq

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Hello fellow and we are going to be having another giveaway! All you have to do is retweet!
The winner will be chosen in 2 days! 🐸🎃Have fun and good luck🎃🐸

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Hey FlueFrogs! Just wanted to show you a Special Edition ordered by a while ago! Check out art page as well, this frog is based off their art style 🐸! You can view all of our released froggos on our website->https://t.co/j8bWi0a3Tq More Frogs to come soon!

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