Mary Read, with the infamous Calico Jack and Anne Bonny, a notorious female pirate, attacked shipping in the Caribbean gaining a substantial amount of booty before capture and trial. Read and Bonny were spared the rope but Jack was hung

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For ‘Les oeuvres de miséricorde’, engr. by Jacques Philippe le Bas, after David Teniers the Younger, 1747 in colls. Giving bread and quenching thirst - two of the Seven Acts of Mercy. Also: Clothing, Sheltering, Burying, Visiting & Liberating

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Walter Crane's Painting Book, 1889
After disappointments in his artistic career Walter Crane designed popular books introducing to children.
Here he gave a coloured plate of a fairy for children to paint.

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NOCTURNAL FAE Moonlight Fairies use an OWL CHARIOT for transport & the crescent moon, inspired by William Allingham (1824 - 1889); OWL-RIDING Night-time Fae occur in Amelia Jane Murray (1800-1896)

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Long before adult colouring books Walter Crane designed this children’s Painting Book, 1889. Disappointed in his artistic career he became the ‘academician of the nursery’. Here he gave a blank & a coloured plate for children to work from.

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I was going to launch a comic about Scottish pirate Captain Kidd on Saturday - raising funds for mental health charities in memory of our artist Andy Lee. Postponed for now but read more here

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Thank you for another fun and informative session! This is signing off for today, but the lovely will be back after the break! Have a great week and stay healthy and safe!
Img: Ride of the Valkyries by Henry De Groux

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Fairies as friendly, adorable frolicking pixies and fairies as enigmatic, malevolent murder-spirits are cyclical views that reflect civilization's attitude towards nature, and forests in particular.

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PUSS IN BOOTS Renowned animal trickster; popularised in Perrault in the C17th as Le Chat Botté, in English in Mother Goose, 1780. This con cat shares many of the features of a household fairy including a desire for boots which could represent seven-league boots

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Fairy doors are secret, magical portals leading to the realm of the fairies and out of the human world. Find them in wooded pathways, tangled gardens, knotty trees, gaps in fences or walls, grottoes & caves. If you are lucky to find one peep or enter if you dare.

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was so important in Ancient cultures; the Romans actually paid their soldiers in salt. The word 'salary' takes its root from the Latin word 'salt.' Many traditions called for salt as the main ingredient in ancient purification & protection spells.

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The Saola is one of the world's rarest large mammals & is sometimes referred to as the Asian Unicorn due to its gentleness

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