# tangled rapunzel disneyprincess positivity leaveyourcomfortzone itsworthit nevergiveup schreibmagie waltdisney parekoyscomics parekoys webcomics abbiestabbyart followyourheart live inktober inktober2021 inktober2021risk inktober2021day31risk inktober2021day31 ink art dreams fridayfeeling fridaymotivation fridaythoughts keepgoing keepmovingforward yougotthis believe believeinyourself wishes goals neverstopdreaming stepbystep onestepatatime monkey story kids inspired joy children singing illustration studio2studioawa whatifuniversity petpaintings beautyisallaroundus aussiesofinstagram artistson artistsoninstagram texaswomenar daydreaming daydreamer childhood conte drawing drawings creativity letscreate create createeveryday createyourlife imagination yourimagination destiny motivationmonday mondaymotivation bepositive positivethinking thisisoptimism theoptimist penman grinbig apparel boston nantucket needhamma optimist garyblehm motivationalspeaker unicorn unicorns iwanttobeaunicorn inkdrawing doodle sketch sketchy sketchbook instsaart instaartist artist lowbrowart cartoon inky blackink indianink pink blackandpink pokemon ashketchum winning ashcampeon pokemonsunandmoon ash satoshicampeon satoshi motivation happylife dreamers goodmorningpost amazing instacool socialmedia talent spirit inspire inspiration creative positiveenergy happymind positivethoughts changeisgood artupgrade upgradeingmyart drawingpractice drawinghair animedrawings learntodraw patreon digitalart rainbow sheep

Es ist Zeit, deinen Träumen zu folgen! 💭 Haben wir nicht alle einen Traum, dem wir hinterherjagen möchten? Sei mutig und nimm die Herausforderung an. Deine Träume sind es wert, verfolgt zu werden. 💪🏼

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Been listening to Walt Disney: The Triumph of the American Imagination, by Neal Gabler. Walt led a very interesting life full of hardships, successes, crushing defeats, a determination to realize his dreams. I can’t help but admire him for it.

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Inktober day 31 - Risk

Take a risk, follow them dreams.🤙

And that is a WRAP! Another tober in the books (my 6th year actually! Time flies...)

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Posters and Posters advertisement

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Meet Billy the from our Billy Joins the Circus! He has BIG DREAMS! Through Billy, are to believe in themselves. Billy's enthusiasm, and energy have "Yes I can!"



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After 20 years, Ash finally won a league!
Despite all the controversy about this league, I am satisfied...
...But that doesn't mean that XYZ's league doesn't hurt yet^^'

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I flowed along with YouTube video on shading hair and i LOVE how it turned out😍😍😍

https://t.co/8c7aixj38U here os the vid, send some love Strangers💕

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Follow your Dreams! Patreon supported piece! New print this year!

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