The is constantly offering 12 different motifs for the price of €0.60 each. Every week the motifs change. So check the regularly to see which postcards are on special offer.

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In Cohaku 37 erfahrt ihr von (Lisa Recklies) auch, wie sie ihren Berufswunsch in der Fotografie wahr gemacht hat. Etwas hineinlesen könnt ihr wie immer direkt bei uns im Shop!

Cosplay: lilithreturns (InstaGram)

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1973 La sonda Pioneer 10 invia sulla Terra le prime immagini ravvicinate di Giove mentre lo sorvolava da appena 130000 Km. Scattate più di 300 fotografie del pianeta, della Grande Macchia Rossa e delle lune galileiane ed effettuate varie misurazioni.

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