Sobre Julián Assange, la libertad de expresión y los Estados Unidos.

15 23

"All of our freedom of speech is at stake" in Julian Assange's case. "If a documentary touches you this much, you want to do something about it."

198 395

"Julian Assange does not deserve to spend the rest of his life in some high-tech US hellhole for doing what should come naturally to all good journalists."—journalist and broadcaster

313 585

No sólo está en la cárcel, está condenado a muerte.

30 40

UK: Email your MP to sign EDM1177 - Campaign to oppose extradition of Julian Assange to the USA

63 128

Congrats to Julian Assange and on their wedding. I wish them all the JUSTICE ✊

1 6

For publisher Julian Assange will be the 12th consecutive new year spent in detention of one form or another - 12 years for choosing to expose the truth

778 1954

Julian Assange has won more than 25 awards for his Journalism and Publishing work for which he faces a 175 year sentence if extradited

122 277

Washington dice ser el gran paladín de la libertad de expresión, pero le sigue un juicio atroz y amañado a Julian Assange por revelar la verdad.
Exigir la libertad de Assange es defender la prensa libre.

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