September marks 4 yrs since my mother was ripped away from us. As a respected doctor, she served her community diligently. This misplaced faith in the power of her service to society was quickly shattered when the same authorities forcibly disappeared her 1/3

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Many thousands of mothers are imprisoned unlawfully in the CCP's detention camps. Doctor Gulshan Abbas is one of them. I stand with my friends who want their mothers back

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emekli doktor Gülşen Abbas'tan yurt dışındaki kızları ve kardeşleri yıllardır hiç haber alamıyordu.
Yakında haksız yere 20 senelik hapis cezasına çarptırıldığı öğrenildi.

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Poster 298: Free Gülshen Abbas
Day 298
My last poster of year 2020, I've dedicated it to Dr. Gulshen Abbas who is serving 20 years jail term in the prison only because she is a sister of the outspoken Uyghur activist .

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