i fight every. day.

2 21


1 11

🎰 7s Club GIVEAWAY 🎰

Giving away this sick orange Dino suit 7s Club to one lucky winner 🔥 To enter👇👇

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48 Hrs 💜💜

167 186

Roman citizens came from all over by the 1st century AD, but it wasn't yet the 3rd century AD when all freemen were citizens. The bulk of citizens still came from the Italian peninsula, and would have looked similar to modern day Italians. This is how they generally looked:

0 10

1ปีที่ไม่ได้รอคอย แต่ก็เป็น1ปีที่ลอยคอมานาน จนเหมือนจะไม่เห็นฝั่ง... แทบจะชินกับชีวิตแบบนี้แล้วนะไอ้ก้าน!!

[ รีโมเดล-รสสตรอเบอร์รี่ 🔴 ] ฉลองคนเดิม เพิ่มเติมคือจำได้แล้ว


20:00 น. 15/7/65

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La Plateforme pour la sécurité des journalistes remercie  le réseau international de dessinateurs engagés à promouvoir la liberté d’expression, pour des dessins utilisés pour illustrer le Rapport 2022.

7 20

The Safety of Journalists Platform thanks , the international network of cartoonists committed to the promotion of freedom of expression, for the artwork used to illustrate the new 2022 Report.

10 24

I'm reading Dune and I got to a very serious moment where Paul kills someone for the first time, and the Freemen decide to give him a name and they name him Usul and I cracked up because

0 3


*Proceeds to fall face ward on the ground*

(FREEME.exe by )

15 50

termine la Glaceona... casí una semana despues! xD
todas las ya hice a y nomás las digitalizare y listooo!!!

1 2

oh boy you really think fatal only has 4 arms?

thats the least he has out.

his critical form shows he can have more sooo.

its probably still FREEME, but because hes stronger

8 65