Mint is now live for FreeDumb holders for 12 hours❤️

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Airdrops for have been sent!

Mint begins tomorrow at 6am for Freedumb holders at a 10% discount! Followed by public mint!

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7 hours until airdrops will be processed for OG pass holders

19 hours until FreeDumb discount mint

31 hours until public mint

This is a two for one mint, you will be granted 1x spot per nft minted in the upcoming MEGA POAP “The Last Judgement” and with an airdrop🔥🤘🏾

3 13

Just a reminder that airdrops for “The Creation of Dave” by will be tonight at 6pm pst!

FreeDumb holders will be allowed to mint at a 10% discounted price tomorrow morning from 6am-6pm(12 hours)

This piece will be the entry ticket to participate in…

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Banned in ' "free state of florida" where FreeDumb reigns

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God Bless Merica and Freedumb and the fat duck 🦆 hasn’t sung

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The Pierre Poilievre Party has shifted so far to the right that there is no turning back. The freedumb convoy cost Canadians billions of dollars that could have been used for much better things like health care. Pee pee has yet to apologize.

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are such an entitled, selfish breed! 😠

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Church has been deconsecrated but weight lifter JeebuZZ still hanging there, bleeding?

Remember the religious iconography & practices throughout the convoy & occupation.

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of Ryuk

“You thought I chose you? ‘Cuz you’re so smart or something? It just happened to land somewhere around here and you just happened to pick it up.”

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Our Canada Day Celebrations are alive and well despite your efforts to disrupt them. Our Prime Minister is once again shaking hands with Canadians. You have now have become a National embarrassment and tomorrow you will become irrelevant. Losers.

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Worth a gentle reminder that the Wellington Freedumb protestors are mostly sourcing their inspiration and instruction from the trojan Counterspin media platform that's provided by this charismatic individual...

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Title: T-shirt (plain)
Original design had 'Freedumb' written, so I decided to have a blank design too and without her gun

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The right-wing conspiracy machine is fired up to convince Q-nuts that Democrats invented the Omicron variant to steal the 2022 election.

These fckin' idiots will gladly ride the "freedumb" train straight to hell.

One request... don't take the rest of us with you.

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