Good evening my dear creatures of the night. Happy and I hope you all are doing fangtastic and having a bloody good day/evening. Take care, stay safe, and much love to you all. 🦇💜
Artist: empyrea1
Artist: Isaris-AI

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Done with the first trio now. 6 more to go! 🥹

Also I maybe open some commissions soon so please support me!

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Remember: it’s FridayEvening!
♫ ModernTalking. "Locomotion Tango"

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Let'sParty at Dancin'SallaParty!
At RennePrunna'sClub "LaBombonera"

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Art With An Audience. Listen to a presentn of Indian artist, Sheela Gowda's BEHOLD, possibly her most iconic work. Listen to this free online talk via Zoom. Details in our bio. Fri 28th, 7pm UK Time. Image: BEHOLD © Sheela Gowda. 2009

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So happy/proud to be a mom... even on the harder days of having a 1 month old 🥰❤👶🏼
Happy Friday Eve!

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Tonight, I was getting back into while I cooked a yummy dinner.

I guess I’m in good company. 👍😊

Have a wild and wonderful Memorial Day weekend everyone!

Turn up the volume of your favorite tunes and !!!

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【mother moon 01】


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Nearing the end of another beautiful day

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