Man hätte es den niedlichen Samtpfoten gar nicht zugetraut. Katzen schmuggeln

Katzen sind ja dafür bekannt, geschickt und hinterhältig zu sein, dass sie auch noch
schmuggeln ... keine Worte. 😂🐱

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Doctor Edmund Hague’s glasses were custom made for . They were measured to him much like the fangs were.

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💡#FridayFact Legend has it Queen Boudicca is buried beneath what is now Platforms 9-10 at King’s Cross after her death in battle against the Romans in AD61

🚧From today we’re carrying out major work on these platforms. If we find anything we’ll let you know...

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This little crawled/swam out of the studio recently. These Mexican "walking fish", relatives of the salamander, are actually having retained their gills & stayed

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The term ‘blind as a bat' is totally inaccurate - bats can see but mainly use a sonar system called ‘echolocation'. This is above the range of human hearing, but can be heard by people using a ‘bat detector'.

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300 million years ago there were primitive dragonflies with 70cm wingspans - nearly the size of a tennis racket! 😱 Coal miners found two well-preserved fossil specimens in 1978. Discover more at MICROSCULPTURE, now on at 🐞

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Got a special occasion coming up? Why not celebrate it with a caricature portrait? I can capture any moment and memory in an illustration! Visit:

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“Alfred reads that a blue whale’s tongue weighs as much as an elephant. And that a blue whale’s heart weighs as much as a car”

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Here's one for all you buffs. What is the only country in the world situated in all four hemispheres?

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Today marks the 225th birthday of chemist Friedlieb Ferdinand Runge and he is also today's 👨🏽‍🔬 Find out more about chemist who discovered caffeine ☕️:

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Did you know that Fujin, Raijin and Sorceress Edea were all originally concepts to created by Tetsuya Nomura for Final Fantasy VII but were discarded and later used in the follow up, VIII. Specifically, Fujin and Raijin were originally members of the Turks.

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A pioneer of wanted to make pictures without any emotional expression. Using stencils and flat colour he removed the ‘expressive brushstroke’ from his work. See this work in our current exhibition | On until 3 June | Free |#FridayFact

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The - Winky and Winkle are two curious, angelic little twins who love singing songs and reading books! Who remembers this adorable pair?

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John Stuart Mill was given an intensive private education, in which he began Greek at the age of 3, and Latin at the age of 8.

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British landscape artist, John Constable spent his honeymoon in Osmington nr Weymouth.

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Last is an image of the local women's football team winning in 1939 photo credit to NMLHS

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Fridayfact: Oracles were thought to be portals through which the gods spoke directly to people

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