Gotta love Vana 🥰

Been meaning to draw one of 's characters since they're just great, but anxiety prevented me from doing so. I'm glad I could get over it at least for a bit

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happy Here's a little Katsu for you all🐔⚾️💥

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would like you to see his today and know that mauling is always an option.

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A little ghostly shark, that never got made into more than this.

5 28

finally was awake to see that reminder but somehow i havent been drawing much of anything toothy lately 😔half of these are just artyom smothered in symbiote LOL but also my sona and a horrible murderman

4 27

best part abt being advanced time is that tomorrow is also, fridayfangs and that gives me an excuse to post wolf/vamp gyuhao tomorrow

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Had to make some time for

Both of Konahra's forms are very bitey.

3 15

my fangiest of boys😊chef kiss at this tag aaa!!!

2 10

today's is my deino,,, redesigned and better
he's based off of mine in-game [ who's name is King Ghidorah] so his name is Ghideon lol

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I miss again but I have old some stuff

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HELLO NEW FAVORITE TAG all i draw nowadays is azazel

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