It’s Fridays are for making! 🚀

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Hello awesome people! Trying to cheer you all up today sharing a recent branding project I've worked on with for a cool start-up in called!
see it better

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Now we know your favourite album with a car on the cover. What about your favourite song that has a car theme.
Mine is "Don't Drive My Car"

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It's Welcome back to the real world! Time to start that new side-project you've been planning this year.

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📸 Truls Moregard

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It’s And it’s Black Friday! Today’s the day to pay for that indie maker’s software you’ve been thinking about using.

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Well... I had my moment, I would have just ignored the note, but I decided to have a little fun. How will I get more pogs without souls to trade? Yes, I will take souls and Eldar soul-stones as payment as well.

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This week’s Editor’s Choice brings us to a new development in the world of Diantoz. After developing their expansion and resources into Space Mining a new society emerged.

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