Assuming road conditions aren't bad, planning on playing The Red Star for the PS2 for Part beat'em up, part overhead run'n'gun, part shooter? I've been very curious to try this one! 6 PM ET start!

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Flameo, hotmen🔥🐇 it's not just 's birthday, it's

Tin tend to live in underground warrens, and have pyrokinesis. As such, they can often be found working near fire pits, forges, and ovens. Tin society values energy, innovation, and enthusiasm!

5 62

Hey! Hey! It's You'll lava the Stoneborn💎

Stoneborn are tall, inherently terrakinetic individuals composed of a claylike material that tends to match the architecture of the city or area in which they dwell. Stoneborn have a cultural affinity for industry

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Neri are amphibious humanoids with magical shells on their backs. These shells are portals to small pocket dimensions! Initially, only a Neri can enter its own shellspace, but as a Neri's bonds with other beings grow, they can let others in as well

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