Basilicata in Fronteversismo and peace front & back fluo in dark view in permanent exhibition at National Museum of Basilicata in Potenza art culture 26-27 March 2022 days 🌕❤️

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so I prepare myself with my new painting Fronteversismo unique in the world and original: seabed by day and universe by night 🐟🌍❤️✨✨🌍

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Whas a wrapping paper with occasional marks. Work of transformation in fronteversismo style: starting small we can do a lot. Post or write something as you wish😊dears friends

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👌❤️🎬🎼🎥congratulations me to I love the moon and I see perfect harmony between your music 🎼 song & my fronteversismo paintings as this for the project in USA 🇺🇸 / Italy & world 🌎. All the best . This is the link

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Magnifica intervista Fronteversismo in grazie infinite e pace tra gli ulivi fronte significativo ed armonico anche per la prossima domenica delle palme🌿🌿🌿 e Santa in arrivo 🙏 Auguri a Radio Onda Uer ed a tutti🌿🙏

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Made in Mister VOLARE singer the best interpreter of Domenico Modugno & Giuseppe Siniscalchi Fronteversismo in sinergy for to spread in all the the importance of in this pandemic time

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Oggi in h.16 .30 al Kilimangiaro da non perdere il servizio dall’incantevole borgo di Valsinni. In YouTube anche una canzone con slideshow .Work in progress per la prossima esposizione permanente al Castello🏰

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Reminds me my Fronteversismo painting peace between sea and countryside in permanent exhibition at S. Egidio Museum in Taranto Italy between masterpieces of Caravaggio school . Picture left front / & right the back 👋💫

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Happy friday and Daiwali with my Fronteversismo paintng wisdom of woman , front in permanent exhibition at Pomarici Santomasi Museum of Gravina in Puglia , Italy

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Happy friday to You with my Fronteversismo painting day of beauty 👋😊

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I love nature peace beauty art of peace and love for life 🙏💫💫💫🍀

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Wonderful Honor ! Happy holiday seasons with art ecology & peace my New Fronteversismo painting on recycled plastic bag animated 😊💫🎄

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Muchas gracias 🙏 Feliz Navidad 🎄with art ecology and peace front movie ☃️🎥 my New Fronteversismo painting on recycled plastic bag

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Congratulazioni con il falco grillaio messaggero di pace mio dipinto Fronteversismo movimentato 🕊🎉

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Breaking news looking forward to see the cover of new book editor “ Il canto della sera “ -the evening song painting on cover. Thank You i am grateful & honored 🙏🤗👨‍🎨& i suggest at my dear friends as

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Thank You Murgiatime for this great post about Fronteversismo art & my work 🙏❤️ Gravina in Puglia near european capital of culture Year 2019

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👌👏👏👏👋👋👋 See You tomorrow all the best with dream & horizon of peace back my Fronteversismo painting 👨‍🎨destinated in permanent exhibition at Pomarici Santomasi Museum of Gravina in Puglia

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