, WinterFrostDragon (da), The-Elvendoodler (da), Vanillesucre (da)

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Commission for @/frostdragon 😈😇

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full colour full body commission for WinterFrostDragon on deviantart

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fullbody for winterfrostdragon on dA!

Interested in some art of your own? DM me for details

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fullbody for winterfrostdragon on dA!

Interested in a sketch of your own? DM me for details

1 11

Re-Upload from DA--
Christmas YCH Results for BelleTrist (FA), WinterFrostDragon (DA), Cloudzapper8 and CigarsCigarettes (DA)

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Finished this commission of a Frost Dragon family. A delightfully fun project for a delightful client. https://t.co/z00Gs5kkgt

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Finally back in the art groove~ Another Wolfenoot YCH here, from the feline lot 😁

Nia, who belongs to WinterFrostDragon on dA 🦁

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Collection of flowery & leafy pins. I actually had less in my collection than I thought! I must work on this 🌸🌿
Jigglypuff by Sugarkittenstudios | Red panda & kitty by | Flower by magic_circle | Fairy by Frostdragondesigns | Tigger & Piglet by

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Two YCH:s I finished for WinterFrostDragon on dA. I am in that spring mood! 😁🌸🌿

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One of my favorite games. I used to play this on the reg back in the day. So I had to up my boyee,

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