It's  Did you know Vaquita's are the smallest species of porpoise & also the only one to live in warm water? They are found exclusively in the Gulf of California where they hunt for small fish and squid in shallow lagoons.

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It’s Did you know that Ray Bradbury, aka the October Man quite literally has spookiness in his genes?!

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Amicus is the Latin word for friend. As a friend of education, our goal is to create books that children will enjoy reading. Amicus is also the name of the dog in our logo.

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It's DYK Vaquita's, named 'little cow' in Spanish, are the smallest species of porpoise & the only one to live in warm water? Like most porpoises, Vaquita's are solitary, rarely seen in groups unless it is a mother and calf

1 1

Time for Did you know that 's top three biscuits are chocolate digestives, ginger nuts and classic hob-nobs (in that order). Do you agree with his choices? You can come and see Tom in a rib-tickling event.

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Shire Horses come in 5 colours too. Happy

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