What's it like doing laundry when there are a few teenagers in the family.

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Did someone drop 2 wax heads at picked up the wrong one and thought: ahhhhh - close enough, I don't see the right one anyways. No one will realize it's

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It's definitely being supportive while threatening to run me over.

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Looks like someone was patriotic enough to ask out a national monument.

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The new crop of trucks is coming up nicely.

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Looks silly until you realize it's those monster books from

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Because shopping at was far too important to care about small things like floods and water getting into my car.

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Wait a minute! Please tell me we didn't get the cheapest tickets. Please tell me we at least got the "inside of the train" tickets?!

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Looks like the latest super villain forgot to change into their costume before attacking trains and pillaging.

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Wait a minute! I think I just found the home of the clock obsessed villain in

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You have to be skinny enough to walk these stairs to be able to live here but you get to slide down them daily.

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I don't see how this could possibly lead to us starring in a horror movie. Let's take go!

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But it does turn your butt into a jet engine so you still fly but not how you expected.

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Fear the epic giant purple horse dinosaur. Too epic to be in an science book.

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Gandalf may be fashionably late but he's always on time for battle.

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